Frequent questions

-Delivery time?

15 to 20 business days plus delivery time for the parcel

Do you have references?

If in the opinions section on the Facebook page you can find reviews from some of our clients, you can find us as Calzado Ana Chavez

Where they are?

Leon Guanajuato

What sizes do you carry?

21 to 30 mx in various models

Can you make me a model different from your catalogue?

yes, as long as we have the necessary materials, and it will be made as accurate as possible

Can I pick up in person?

Yes, just keep in mind that if your model is under manufacturing you will have to make the payment first




The brand was created in December 2020 by Ana Chavez together with her family, who has been creating 100% handmade women's footwear for more than 20 years using the best quality materials to give long life to our products.

Innovating according to trends; collaborating with fashion companies and creating a greater impact on society so that they know about our

  • Alice Rea

    In charge of customer service, photo and video, collaborating in the company for 2 years.

  • Ana Chavez

    Responsible for designing and preparing orders for our clients, as well as researching new market trends to offer fashionable products.

Legal information

Brand Name: Ana Chavez Footwear
Legal Name: Ana Lucia Chávez Gómez
RFC: CAGX021126AY2
Address: Sánchez 131, Col. El Coecillo León de los Aldama León, Guanajauto CP.37260
WhatsApp: 4641715056